Only Kindling Here.


We are two Guatemalans that have seen the opportunity to bring the community of incredible creative people closer to universal prosperity. We dream of a world that exalts those who are expanding the frontier of the human condition through the fine arts. Long gone are the days where artists must seek patronage and live in misery and obscurity.

By creating a network of people who are motivated to action by the hope of a better tomorrow we believe that the gravity of such a movement will move the mountains of power that besiege and oppress all who oppose the common narrative.

The unwavering river flooded with direction will meet no match in force and energy on the road to the open ocean of possibilities. From the heavens every drop will collect in unison and unite on the journey to the immense ocean of life that is existence.

For it is the way and will of the Earth to prosper together.

A symbiotic relationship.

Origin Squad

Alejandro Divas

There is great opportunity in chaos.

Before the raging storm secedes the deep blue will heed the helm of fortune, swaying ever so closely to rest. The calm before the storm.

I see many patterns in society. Branching trails of destiny that forlorn the great mountain of humanity. I see the sun on the horizon of hope, far off in oblivion. Where shall we head as a collective network of souls?

For, to carry the mantle of Atlas, the weight of the drive of innovation is immense. This fire is what lights the passions of my soul to go forth and bring creation into this world for the betterment of our symbiotic relationship with the beautiful planet that is Earth.

Sebastian Velasquez

“In a world of lies and illusion, distortion grants me clarity into reality.”

“There is an ancient paradigm correlating pain and art, I don’t enjoy cliches but this is a familiar pattern. The world has hurt me and I’ve hurt back... oddly enough during these moments of trail, is where most of my most celebrated works are born. I never expected my artwork to lead me anywhere because I didn’t create it with that intention, it was always born out of therapeutic introspection of my own consciousness and how it connects into the bigger picture, and yet after receiving exposure it just kept growing and growing until it became my career and the way I go through life.”

I am a multidisciplinary and multidimensional creator focused on shifting the structures around the status quo and how breaking barriers within the divisional systems put in place by it.

Our Core

This project has gratefully received the immense support of the Center for Cultural and Scientific Investigation located in Lake Atitlán, Guatemala.

Together our network has reached and touched many individuals in the stand to collectively raise the level of greatness produced by the people and cultures of Mesoamerica.

We're on the passage to see the horizon of hope and prosperity.